The Immobile Wind (M. Wheeler, 1921)
The Magpie's Shadow (Musterbookhouse, 1922)
The Bare Hills (Four Seas Co., 1927)
The Proof (Coward, 1930)
The Journey (Dragon Press, 1931)
Before Disaster (Tryon Pamphlets, 1934)
Poems (Gyroscope Press, 1940)
To the Holy Spirit (California Poetry Folios, 1947)
Three Poems (Cummington Press, 1950)
Collected Poems, (A. Swallow, 1952, revised edition, 1960)
The Early Poems of Yvor Winters, 1920-1928 (A. Swallow, 1966)
Selected Prose
Primitivism and Decadence: A Study of American Experimental Poetry (Arow Editions, 1937)
Maule's Curse: Seven Studies in the History of American Obscurantism (New Directions, 1938)
The Anatomy of Nonsense (New Directions, 1943)
Edwin Arlington Robinson (New Directions, 1946).
In Defense of Reason (Swallow Press, 1947, 3rd rev. ed., A. Swallow, 1960)
The Function of Criticism: Problems and Exercises (A. Swallow, 1957, 2nd ed., 1966)
On Modern Poets: Stevens, Eliot, Ransom, Crane, Hopkins, Frost (Meridian Books, 1959)
Forms of Discovery: Critical and Historical Essays on the Forms of the Short Poem in English (A. Swallow, 1967)