Angelo Herndon on Scottboro Boys. Herndon, formerly a political prisoner and an African American communist, wrote about the Scottsboro boys in 1937 for Workers Library. Read more about Angelo Herndon on Scottboro Boys. Herndon, formerly a political prisoner and an African American communist, wrote about the Scottsboro boys in 1937 for Workers Library.
1933 ILD Leaflets in support of Scottsboro Boys Read more about 1933 ILD Leaflets in support of Scottsboro Boys
James Allen on Scottsboro--"Smash The Scottsboro Lynch Verdict," published by Workers Library, April 1933. Read more about James Allen on Scottsboro--"Smash The Scottsboro Lynch Verdict," published by Workers Library, April 1933. Impassioned, point-of-view prose calls readers to action: Demand that African Americans be guaranteed their right to sit on juries, to vote, to hold office, to enjoy equal rights! March and protest against Jim Crowism, lynching, persecution!
ILD leaflet announcing demonstration, parade, and rally in Chicago for the Scottsboro Boys. Read more about ILD leaflet announcing demonstration, parade, and rally in Chicago for the Scottsboro Boys.
"Don't Let Them Burn!"--ILD 6-panel folder with petitions to fill out and send to Alabama Governor Bibb Graves and Attorney General A. A. Carmichael. Read more about "Don't Let Them Burn!"--ILD 6-panel folder with petitions to fill out and send to Alabama Governor Bibb Graves and Attorney General A. A. Carmichael.
1931 ILD (International Labor Defense) Pamphlet by Joseph Norris Read more about 1931 ILD (International Labor Defense) Pamphlet by Joseph Norris